People want to talk to you.
Hop onto 1-1 video calls
and get paid per minute.

Popcall is a link-in-bio tool for creators, coaches, and experts to take instant video calls whenever they want and get paid.

👀 See who wants to talk to you

📱 Start video calls anytime

💰 Get paid per minute

Already a creator?

Log into Popcall →

Feels like the magic of FaceTime®

Protect your privacy

Screen callers

Start calls when you're free

Set your rate, get paid per minute

text stating '90 second product overview' with an arrow pointing towards the video below.




Set your price and share your link

Callers pay per minute, or you can offer free calls with a time limit


People send you a short video message

Watch and decide if you want to talk to them


Start a call anytime & get paid per minute

Pick up or call back whenever you want - without scheduling

Frequently Asked Questions

How do people reach me via Popcall?

People who want to talk send you a video message through your Popcall profile link. You can review their video message and instantly start a video call with them anytime.

People find your link wherever you share it. You can add it to your link-in-bio, share it in a post or story, put it in your newsletter or Discord, etc.

Can people instantly call me?

It's your choice, you can adjust this in your settings.

If someone calls you, you'll get a text message with a link to pick up the call. But like a normal phone call, you're not obligated to answer, and you can always call them back later if you choose.

If you turn off instant calls, then people can only send a video message, and you can call them back if and when you want.

Can people see my contact information?

No, people can only send video messages through your profile page. They don’t see any other contact info.

How will I know if someone wants to talk to me?

You’ll be notified by text message when you receive new calls and video messages.

Do my followers or I need to download anything?

Nope. Popcall is web-based and everything goes through your personal profile link, including video messages and video calls.

How much do callers pay?

You set your own rate, or you can offer free calls with a time limit. Callers pay per minute only if the video call is connected, and either you or the caller can end the call at any time.

How much of the total earnings do I keep?

Creators keep 80% of their earnings. (Popcall pays for all payment processing fees.)

Popcall also provides protection from disputed charges for legitimate calls to ensure you always receive your full payment.

Popcall pays creators via PayPal, Zelle, or ACH on a monthly basis.

Can Popcall display a customized disclaimer before I speak to someone?

Yes! If enabled, callers must agree to your disclaimer before their call with you is connected. Email [email protected] if you'd like to enable disclaimers for your account.

How does Popcall ensure a safe experience?

  • User phone numbers and credit cards are verified first
  • Video messages let you screen callers before deciding whether to connect
  • Spam filters prevent rogue callers
  • Either party can end the call at any time
  • Individual callers can be blocked
  • Popcall retains call recordings for 180 days to review any issues
a real Popcall creator!


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